Reviews of Flight Training Fitness
Erinina is like the Mr. Miagi of Aerial and Pole.
-Bianca Stein
I'm always so impressed with Erinina's knowledge; she has fixed bad form habits I've held for years. She's a talented and energetic coach and I highly recommend her flight training.
-Tiffany Braden
If anyone in Austin is looking to get into shape, Erinina is the way to go! She's like a real life Kimmy Schmidt that believes you can do anything for 30 seconds at a time--including pistol squats and pull-ups. Her classes are tough but fun and guaranteed to get your booty into shape. -Jackie Wilson
I take Fly Fiit offered by Erinina at SoFly and absolutely love it. It’s the perfect workout to target every muscle I use in my pole dancing and has definitely helped my overall strength. This class is basically my version of therapy. I can walk in stressed and tired and leave feeling amazing, sore, but full of workout endorphins and ready to conquer my day.
-Olivia B. Sloane
Erinina kicked my booty in Fly Fiit today, and I liked it! That is all.
-Stacey Braden
Reviews of Artistic Performance & Direction
Erinina Ness has a strong sense of leadership and a great ability to get the most out of those she works with. The art she creates comes from her heart and everything she does she does with passion.
-Michael Kendrick, Brooklyn Academy of Music
Nina is brilliant. Her strength and courage (both in physical and artistic endeavors) are only outdone by her grace. I will forever be in awe of her presence and command on stage and behind the scenes.
-Josh Hays, NY Film Academy
Erinina brings inspiration, organization, and determination toeverything that she does. She is an encouraging and open-minded director with a strong artistic vision and a dedicated, supportive producer. I am delighted to have had the chance to work with her and I hope to do so again in the future!
-Naomi Finkelstein, The Body Positive
Erinina is exactly the kind of person needed in the arts world: energetic, innovative, and driven. She brings tremendous skill and leadership to all projects, and people seek her out for advice and guidance. In short, she rocks.
-Christine Simpson Sachs, Fluid Motion Theater Company
Erinina possesses all the qualities people look for in great leaders: enthusiasm, dedication, tenacity and calm confidence. She is above all, a visionary. She had an ambitious mission for a theater company that crossed cultural boundaries and challenged notions of genre and media and through her leadership and determination, we made it happen. While some visionaries think in broad strokes and lack the ability to pay attention to details or find it difficult to implement their ideas, Erinina combines innovative thinking and idealism of a creative type with the pragmatism, wisdom and competence of a seasoned manager.
-Joyce Wu, Writer & Filmaker
Erinina brings a freshness to the theater that is much needed. She is innovative in her ideas and passionate about her work. She brings out the best in everyone. It is always a pleasure to work with Erinina.
-Ricardo Lima, Executive Director of Youth Theatre Interactions